How to search for a study abroad program:
To help narrow down your search, we’ve listed some important factors to consider and filter when searching for a study abroad program:
Academic Requirements
Are there specific courses you need to take? No problem. Just use the search filter to locate programs in your field(s) of study. You can find links to a program’s course catalog under the “Course Description” section of any program page. In addition, you can search for programs that accommodate special needs including mobility accommodations, learning accommodations and mental health support services. To find out what courses you need to meet your home university’s academic requirements and how the credits will transfer, we recommend making an appointment with your academic advisor at your home university.
Language Level
Do you speak another language or want to learn? If you do, search for Language and Culture programs that focus on immersing you in your host country language. If you prefer to study in a language different from your host country’s primary language, we’ve got you covered. In the search filter, locate the language button to find ISEP programs teaching courses in your preferred language. You can also add in any other language prerequisites you might have like language test scores or the number of semesters you’ve studied the language, to further narrow down your search.
Financial Considerations
Before selecting a site, we strongly encourage you to consider how much you might spend abroad. You can use our budgeting tools and advice to add up costs and fees to get a better idea of how much your program will cost overall. We also recommend asking your home university ISEP Coordinator for their own tips or resources that are available to you at your own university.
Major cities offer a lot of attractions, but it may be easier to meet people and feel at home in a medium-size city or smaller town. Also please note that many universities outside the U.S. may not have a campus, but rather university buildings throughout the city. We encourage you to use our program filter to search programs by region and campus size. If you know where you want to study abroad, enter the name of the institution or location in your search in the “Where to?” section of the program finder.
Living with a family, in a student residence or in an apartment involves different levels of independence and integration. Use our search filter to search by housing type. ISEP Direct programs typically have more flexible housing options than ISEP Exchange programs.
Type and Size of Institution
The type of institution that is the best fit for you is ultimately up to personal preference. Small institutions may offer more personal attention; large universities may have more course options. Use our program filter to search by campus size.
Due to widely differing academic calendars around the world, you may need to be sure your program ends in time for you to start the following semester at your home university. Use our search filter to search for programs that’ll fit your timeline in the semester and year sections.
Length of Study
When deciding on how long you want to study abroad for, we encourage you to consider what program length is the best fit for you academically and personally. Are you comfortable with the idea of studying abroad for a summer, semester, or full year? Is there a term that works out best for you to stay on track with your degree plan? If you have any questions about how to decide which program length is the best fit for you, we recommend reaching out to your ISEP Student Services Officer.
Chances of Placement
Some sites have less exchange space available than others, so when searching for ISEP Exchange programs, use our chances of placement filter to sort your options. If you’re someone who wants to know where they are going right away, check out our ISEP Direct programs, as they all have guaranteed admission as long as you meet the academic requirements stated in the ‘Academics’ section on the program page. We recommend that you read more about Chances of Placement here.
Ready to find your study abroad program?
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