We are available 24/7 to respond to emergencies and crises.
In the case of a medical emergency, the most important thing is to seek immediate medical assistance. After, please inform us of any emergency situation so that we can be in touch with your home ISEP Coordinator and assist you as necessary.
We maintain a 24 hour, seven days a week, 365 days of the year, emergency response system through AXA Assistance.
For questions about assistance services (e.g. medical evacuation or repatriation worldwide, medical referrals outside of the US), contact CISI’s Emergency Assistance partner, AXA Assistance:
By email:
By phone (24-7-365): Toll Free Phone (Within the US): 855-327-1411 Collect (Outside the US): 312-935-1703
If we are informed of an emergency situation in which your home and host ISEP Coordinators are unaware, ISEP reserves the right to inform the necessary parties if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the student.
Please see the ISEP Health & Safety Policy and ISEP Crisis Communications Plan for further details.
Being able to contact you in the case of an emergency or crisis will help ensure that you receive the appropriate assistance and care you may need. Here is how you can help:
Upon Arrival, Get Local Currency
After arriving in your host country and clearing immigration and customs, obtain some local currency if you have not already. You can exchange money at most international airports.
Let Everyone Know You Have Arrived Safely
Check in at your host university and ask for help to contact home and let your family and legal guardians know you have arrived.
Send New Contact Information To Your ISEP Coordinators
As soon as you have a local phone, send your phone number to your home and host ISEP Coordinators so they have accurate contact information for you.